Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Those Were The Days"

I went out to Club Paradise tonight for the karaoke. Not much of a turnout this time, and my friend Maria wasn't able to make it, but I had a good time nonetheless.

I've finally found my karaoke song. Something I can sing reasonably well enough to not be afraid of singing it for 2,000 people when I go on my next vacation cruise with Atlantis Events (http://www.atlantisevents.com/index.aspx). It's a song in my key and range and not one a lot of people know or remember (that way I won't have to worry about being compared to the other half dozen or so people that end up singing "Margarita Ville").

The Song? "Those Were The Days" by Mary Hopkin. My friend Greg wasn't able to video me singing it tonight (he's off on a trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL) so I can only share with you a YouTube video of Ms. Hopkin singing it, but next time . . .

Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNVit7cesj8

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