Friday, July 4, 2008

Historic Figures

Wow! Three posts in one day. I think that's a record. I wasn't going to write again today, but then the spirit moved me, so here we are.

I have held an idea, a theory related to my belief in reincarnation, that we can get an idea of when we may have lived in previous lives by looking at our most favorite, and most hated, periods in history. I believe that these are times in which we lived and have happy memories, or when we had fairly miserable past lives. It all depends on the circumstances.

Now, my most favorite period of history is 16th century Elizabethan England. I have no logical explanation. They lived brutal (by our modern standards) lives, they had no antibiotics, bathed only once or twice a year (if that often), most lived in abject poverty and dejection, but still it is my favorite period. Now, I'm not saying I was Queen Elizabeth I or anyone famous like that (after all, I'm not Madonna or Tina Turner who both claim to be the reincarnation of the same Egyptian Queen). For all I know, I was the spit-boy (who's job was to turn the meat roasting on a spit over the fire) working in a disreputable inn, but you never know. I have a great admiration of the achievements of not only The Queen, but the common people as well.

Speaking of Queen Elizabeth, I've always felt it was a little sad that she was unable to marry and have children to carry on the Tudor Dynasty. I am convinced she would have married if she could have, but whom could she marry? The English would not accept a foreign born prince as their king. To chose an Englishman would be to risk creating factions and fomenting civil wars. No, for peace and safety, she had to remain unmarried and childless.

Though I make no claim whatsoever that I am the reincarnation of Elizabeth Tudor, I identify the most with that 16th century queen. Alone. Isolated. Looking at and seen by the world through a pane of glass. We see each other, the World and I, but we don't really interact or have much to do, one with the other. I have such a longing in me, a hunger, a desire, a need to break that glass down. To shatter the barrier. But I also have a fear and a terror of living my life without that barrier, the safety and protection that the barrier brings. I don't know what to do.

I did find this interesting tribute video on YouTube. The song is "Famous Last Words" by the group My Chemical Romance. The video is from the BBC/PBS production of "Elizabeth I". I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I look forward to hearing your comments.

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