Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Need Your Help

What do I need your help for? I'm trying to convince someone (anyone who has the power to implement my idea that is) to produce a new television show based on "The Mouse" books by Leonard Wibberley. I saw a film adaptation of one of these books, "The Mouse That Roared", recently, and I think it would make a great TV show.

The books are based in the fictitious Duchy of Grand Fenwick, an English speaking micro-state of 15 square miles in the French-Swiss Alps. I could go into a very detailed explanation of the minutiae of the books and films, but that would be to much work, and I'm too lazy. So, I'll just post a YouTube link to some scenes from the two movies based on Mr. Wibberley's books, "The Mouse That Roared" and "The Mouse on the Moon". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7L7WLFBYR4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yqZzPV5V7k. I know the 'special effects' are a bit hokey, but remember, they were made in the early 1960s.

I've already sent an e-mail to CBS television (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yqZzPV5V7k) with my idea. I chose CBS mainly because they are the owners of the Logo network (http://www.logoonline.com/), and since I watch a lot of Logo, I thought I'd give CBS the first shot at my idea.

Not much else happening right now. I'm getting some more of my apartment set up, and I'm planning to go out to Club Paradise for some more karaoke (I need the practice if I'm going to attract a man on my next gay cruise with Atlantis events {no link this time}). I'll see if I can post another video of myself singing.

That's all for now. If anything else comes up, I'll keep you informed.

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