Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Nightmare Woke Me Up

Don't you just hate it when a nightmare wakes you up. At first you lay perfectly still, paralyzed from the fear inspired by the nightmare. The only thought in your mind are a variation of these five words "It was just a dream" repeated over and over again.

I don't even remember the dream that clearly. I remember parts of it though. In part of the dream I was being analyzed by "The Center" from the TV show "Heroes" as having some sort of special power. The character Sylar came into the picture and at that point I woke up from sheer terror.

An interesting word, terror, by the way. It comes from the Greek word Deimos, the god of terror and dread. He was the brother of Phobos, the god of fear and panic, and the son of Ares, god of war. They were given to name the two moons of the planet Mars (The Roman name for Ares). These two moons of Mars orbit very closely to the Martian surface (compared to say the Earth and the Moon), and is very symbolic (and probably why they were give the names they were) as Fear and Terror always closely followed their father War.

But I digress.

I think the nightmare was a result of having to much cheese with my dinner last night. I like cheese. Cheese is good. In fact, I'm going to add cheese to my list of favorite things (see the post "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things".

On an unrelated note, my weight this morning is 250.5 lbs. Only 90.5 lbs to go. I wonder if it's true what happens for every 30 lbs you lose.

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