Saturday, July 5, 2008

Feeling A Little Shitty

I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I have begun, I think, my summer cold. I also call it my "Change of Seasons" cold, because like clockwork, twice each year, shortly before or after the summer and winter solstices, I get this cold.

It began, sometime last night. At first I thought it was just something I had eaten earlier that evening. I was woken up by and made my mad dash to the bathroom by the need to empty the contents of my stomach into the alter of the God Ralf.

Now, I feel chilled to the bone. My joints ache and it's hard to move. A doctor I know calls this "Stomach Flu Arthritis".

My stomach is roiling. I feel nauseous and the thought of food makes me feel even more ill. But I must make sure to keep some small amount of food in my belly encase I do have to throw-up. To do so on an empty stomach is not pleasant. My mother called it "the dry heaves". Not a nice experience.

I am not fit to be seen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear it. I hope you get better. It's probably safest if I only express this wish electronically.