Monday, May 31, 2010

Past The Dirty Thirty

What do I mean? No, it's not my age. I'm still 29 and will be for the 14th year in a row come June 15th. No, I'm talking about my body fat percentage. As of yesterday, I broke past the 30% barrier. If I keep this up, by the time of my next cruise with Atlantis Events, I'll be 20% or less. Then, maybe I'll get a hot guy interested in me, and I won't be relegated to the wrong side of the velvet rope.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

That Special Talk

Recently, I had to have "that special talk" about an uncomfortable, sensitive, and delicate subject with my friend and roommate (I'll call him Smiley). The topic of our conversation was where babies come from.

I must confess that although it was a discussion I knew I would have to have with Smiley one day, I was nonetheless hesitant to tell him the facts of life. He's still so young.

Anyway, girding my loins and mustering up my courage, I laid the details out for him as clearly as I could, and now, and I hope no one will be offended by my course language here in this blog, I will tell you all the same thing I told Smiley.

"When two men love each other very much, and have formed a long-term, committed relationship with one another, and then gone the extra step and registered as domestic partners, they make an appointment with a lawyer who specializes in family law, and arrange to adopt a child (usually from an underdeveloped country but sometimes in the U.S.A.). Then after much paperwork, medical test, psychological tests, and interviews with friends and family, and after much money and waiting, the baby arrives, safely delivered by a very nice person from the agency, or the states social services department".

And that, my readers is where babies come from, at least for two men. For two women, it's a whole other story that I might talk about next time, or not. It depends on the reaction I get after talking about such personal and inappropriate stuff.