Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Video Et Audio Et Taceo
I first learned of it while reading a book about the quintessential English queen in junior high school. I'm a big reader, and picked the book off the shelf at random one day during English class. My teacher at the time, Mr. Ardapple (Yes, his real name. You don't forget a name like that.) had a small, personal collection of historic fiction books in his classroom that any student was welcome to borrow, or even keep, and he gave us as an assignment a book report on any one of the books in his collection.
Well, long story short (I know, "To late!"), the book I picked was "The Story of Good Queen Bess". That was the beginning of my love affair (for lack of a better term) with the 16Th century queen, and I have been watching movies, television shows, and reading books about her ever since, and of course, my annual holy pilgrimage to the Elizabethan Renaissance Pleasure Faire (http://www.norcalrenfaire.org/index.html) which I recommend to all of you reading this.
Anyway, the philosophy of "See all, hear all, say nothing" is one that has helped me navigate many of the travails I have faced in my life. The only one I have the most trouble with is the "say nothing" part, but I like to think I'm getting better.
Speaking of "getting better", here is a favorite Cass Elliot song of mine, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aORRetw7arM, I hope you like it to.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
One Week to Go!!!
Earlier this month (July) I was able to get a new, 7-quart, Crock-Pot, to make sure there would be plenty of my special, prize winning, chili to go around. If the function is a success, that is if we raise $500 or more for the court, I plan on posting my secret recipe right here on the blog. Then, in future chili contests, I'll be using a different recipe. Whether I win this chili con carne' contest or not, I'm retiring this version from future contests. I'll still make it for friends and family of course, I just wont put it in a contest.
On a semi-related note, I'm helping the I.S.J.D.E.'s imperial crown princess, Uneke Chanel, with planning and organizing our "Mr., Miss, and Ms. Gay" contest November1st. This is also scheduled to be held at Club Paradise (if we do have to change the venue before then, I'll keep you informed), and I am trying to see if we can get an "A-List" porn star to be one of our celebrity guest judges. I've already exchanged e-mail with him, and he seems very keen to take part and help us raise money for our "From the Heart" charity drive. There are still some hurdles to overcome though. First I have to get the court's and board of directors' approval to make a formal request to "Mr. X" (I won't be mentioning his name till we have a concrete arrangement. I'll explain why later. Keep reading), and then we have to arrange for his personal appearance fee and other expenses. Some in the court has suggested we could use some semi-retired porn stars as celebrity judges who now live and work in Sacramento and would be willing to perform (nothing X-Rated) as well as be a celebrity judge and not charge a personal appearance fee, but I don't think that would be a very good idea. You get the quality you pay for, and I'm not just talking about how hot the guy looks. You want someone who's sole talent ISN'T just sex, and the one I have in mind is, for lack of a better term, a true renaissance individual.
Now, the reason I won't be divulging his name yet. I have to much respect for this person (or anyone for that matter) to try and use guilt to blackmail them into doing something for free. After all, he doesn't charge a personal appearance fee to make money, but to meet his expenses (travel, hotel, food, etc., etc.). If he had to pay all these expenses out of his own pocket, he wouldn't be able to make any personal appearances at all. It's really no different from the people in the court who do not donate their tips from performing at any of the functions they go to. So, that's one of the reasons I won't be mentioning his name just yet.
Don't forget now, the "Chili Bean Cook-Off" at Club Paradise, 10100 N. Lower Sacramento Rd., Stockton, CA 95210. The door opens at 7:00 PM, the contest starts at 8:30 PM, and we will have raffle prizes as well. Also, if just one person posts a comment asking me to, I will be making a batch of my jalapeno' cheesy cornbread to eat with the chili. Mmmmmm, jalapeno' cheesy cornbread.
Damn! I'll make some man a good domestic partner one day. No wait, we can legally get married now! Anyone out there want to marry me? I'm a great cook, have a good job, I'll buy my own ring, and I have no pride. Just kidding. I borrowed that line from C. C. Babcock on "The Nanny". Here is a YouTube clip with the line I paraphrased http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAL2yJtw5dM&feature=related. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
A Nightmare Woke Me Up
I don't even remember the dream that clearly. I remember parts of it though. In part of the dream I was being analyzed by "The Center" from the TV show "Heroes" as having some sort of special power. The character Sylar came into the picture and at that point I woke up from sheer terror.
An interesting word, terror, by the way. It comes from the Greek word Deimos, the god of terror and dread. He was the brother of Phobos, the god of fear and panic, and the son of Ares, god of war. They were given to name the two moons of the planet Mars (The Roman name for Ares). These two moons of Mars orbit very closely to the Martian surface (compared to say the Earth and the Moon), and is very symbolic (and probably why they were give the names they were) as Fear and Terror always closely followed their father War.
But I digress.
I think the nightmare was a result of having to much cheese with my dinner last night. I like cheese. Cheese is good. In fact, I'm going to add cheese to my list of favorite things (see the post "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things".
On an unrelated note, my weight this morning is 250.5 lbs. Only 90.5 lbs to go. I wonder if it's true what happens for every 30 lbs you lose.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
- That lemon fresh scent when I open the dishwasher to take out a load of clean dishes.
- Clean clothes, when you first take them out of the dryer.
- A colorful sunset that turns the whole world red-orange-yellow.
- A good book and a hot cup of tea on a rainy day.
- The look on people's faces when they eat my cooking.
- That purring sound a contented cat makes.
- Guys that can raise one eye-brow when they look at me (So I have a Mr. Spock/Prince of Darkness fetish).
- Re-runs of "I Love Lucy" and "The Golden Girls".
- Working up a good, healthy sweat at the gym or someplace else (blush).
- Cheese. Cheese is good (especially Monterrey Jack, Mozzarella, and a nice mild Cheddar).
- Anything paisly (Did you know that the paisly pattern was based on the shape of the cashew nut?).
- Cuddling with a someone special.
That's all I can think of for now, but if I think of anything else, I'll keep you informed.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Shaking In My Skivvies
I've taken bigger investment risks in the past of course. My biggest risk to date was the 100 shares of Intrepid Potash I bought at $32.00/share and sold 31 days later for $45.252/share for an after commissions and fees (taxes are not counted in this figure) $1,316.22. That equals a profit margin of just over 41%. If GT Solar International (SOLR) climbs to $23.27/share, I will make the same percentage. Pray for me.
In other news about myself, I'm back on track with Nutrisystem. The food is pretty good.
That's all I have to talk about for now. If anything else comes up, I'll keep you informed.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Passing of A Legend
I have included a YouTube link to my favorite "Golden Girls" scene when Dorothy & Sophia were getting ready for a skit playing Sunny & Cher.
I don't have much else to talk about right now, but if I think of anything, I'll keep you informed.
Nutrisystem: Day 6
I'm not that concerned though. I think it's mostly water-weight, and that's the first and easiest to lose.
Now, to change the subject, things should be very interesting today in the financial markets. All the indexes are pointing to a sharply lower opening, and I am using the downward pressure as an opportunity to acquire some stock in Wells Fargo (WFC), and to increase my positions in AT&T (T) and Bristo Meyers (BMY).
Also, if anyone is interested, I'm starting a new, non-profit, micro-business, with all proceeds going to the I.S.J.D.E.. I will be baking and selling my Apple Sauce Cakes, Wesley Toll House Cookies, and other tasty creations. If you want to buy any of my baked goods, send me an
I am also planning a special video presentation for my blog. My very own episode of "Cribs". When I get everything ready, I'll send out a mass e-mail with a blog link. Don't worry, I'll always keep you informed.
Monday, July 21, 2008
13 Days To Go
I will be entering my special, secret chili recipe and I just bought a special 7-quart crock-pot to make sure I would have a lot to go around. I've also promised that if the event raises $500 or more for the court, I will post my secret recipe here on the blog, and never enter that one in a contest again. Don't worry though. I have lots of other chili recipes for lots of future contests. I'll be fine.
Anyway, the cook-off will be held at Club Paradise at 10100 North Lower Sacramento Road, Stockton, California. The door opens at 7:00 PM and the contest begins at 8:30 PM. There will be raffle prizes for everyone (if they have the winning tickets that is) and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for the contestants. It's only $5 to enter, so find a chili recipe of your own and enter. Who knows, you may even beat my recipe (ROFLOL!!!!!)
I asked Chris Davis if he would be one of the judges, but because of some sort of stomach thing (his words), he doesn't eat chili. He'll be there though.
If you have any questions for me, scroll down the blog page to the "About Me", and click on "View My Complete Profile". Then, look toward the upper left (no, your left) of the computer screen. Click on the word Email and you can e-mail me. It's just that easy!
I gotta go to bed now. The crap in the air from all of California's recent wild-fires has really fucked up my allergies, and the medicine I have to take to be able to breath is nearly as effective as a shot of Pitron (not that I would know of course how effective Pitron is) in putting a person to sleep.
Talk to you all later.
Nutrisystem: Day 5
I had an interview with another department of The State government, and was very, very nervous, and when I get stressed out, I eat.
Actually, I don't know if "compulsive eater" isn't the right term. Maybe my problem is that I'm only half bulimic. I got the binge part down, but have trouble with the purge side of that equation, having lost my gag-reflex years ago.
I'm now up to 253.0 lbs, which is another 1.5 lbs. I'll have to start trying again tomorrow.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Nutrisystem: Day 4
I especially liked the food. As you all should know by now, I started on Nutrisystem recently (this is the beginning of "Day 4") but didn't take my specially prepared and packaged food with me. I did however remember some of the advice in the meal planner and limited my choice of food to those items NOT served in gravy, had just a little of the pasta dish (pasta is a wonderful low glycemic carb index food), only sampled one each of the three different types of cookies, and I kept my liquids to either water or orange juice. The result being that this morning, I weighed in at 251.5 lbs, which is just 1.5lbs more than I weighed yesterday. Not bad really.
Speaking of cookies by the way, I know the person who baked those served at the function last night went to a lot of trouble preparing all that food, but I found them to be dry and tasteless. If they ask for it, I'll be happy to give them my grandmother's recipe for peanut butter cookies or her oatmeal raisin cookies. My chocolate-chip recipe (Wesley Toll House) gets buried with me though.
I'll have pictures from the event last night later tonight. Not much else to talk about at the moment. So, I'll have my breakfast, get cleaned up, and get more of my appartment cleaned up and my stuff unboxed and put away.
Don't worry though. If anything else comes up, I'll keep you informed.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Nutrisystem: Day 3
Not much else to talk about right now, except for a possible new investment I plan on making this coming week. An initial public offering (IPO) for a company called GT Solar International, Inc., will be pricing this week, and trading on the NASDAQ under the symbol SOLAR. I already have my conditional offer to purchase (COTP) set-up, and I'll be spending my free time (what little I'm going to have) reading the prospectus. If everything adds up, I plan on taking a little nibble to the tune of 100 shares, or $1,750.00 (assuming it prices at the high end of the offering range), and you all know my rule (or at least you should if you've been reading my blog), if it prices above the maximum range, I'll try to buy more (above the range="Good Sign"), if it prices below the minimum range ($15.50) I won't buy any (below the range="VERY Bad Sign").
I'm still waiting to hear about whether or not Facebook will be going public or not. All the indications are pointing to an offering soon, but so far, nothing concrete or definite. When/if it happens though, don't worry, I'll keep you informed.
Gotta go now. It's time for breakfast.
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Bizzy, Bizzy Weekend
First, this Saturday, 7/19/08, I have to wait for the cable guy to come and hook up my television. All I know for certain is that he is supposed to show up from between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM, so for 4 hours, I cannot leave my apartment. Why? Because he will call twice, and only twice to make sure I am home. If I miss the phone call(s) they won't come out, and who knows when the next available appointment will be.
Later the same day, I'll be off to Hayward, California for the Alameda Ducal Coronation. I'll be carpooling with Empress Kiki LaRue and Empress Ro' Flack Franklin. It should be a pretty good time.
Sunday, 7/20/08, I will be helping out at the I.S.J.D.E. garage sale at Marc & Robert's old house at 1432 Country Club Blvd., Stockton, California. I plan on having the "before" picture for my Nutrisystem program taken then, so if you want to see me "Live & Shirtless" , stop by from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If you cannot make it for the sale, and my partial nudity, don't worry, I'm gonna post the pictures here, and I'm sure they'll make their way into the Stockton Coronation Program next March.
Just a friendly reminder by the way, but on Sunday, August 3, 2008, we will be hosting the I.S.J.D.E. Chili Cook-Off Contest at Club Paradise, 10100 North Lower Sacramento Rd., Stockton, CA. I'm entering my (in my mind at any rate) world famous, prize winning, secret recipe chili. If the event raises a minimum of $500, regardless of whether or not I win 1st prize, I will be offering my recipe here on this blog for the whole world to see. After this event, I intend to retire this particular version of my chili from competition, and enter a different one next time. The contest is open to all, so bring your own chili recipes, I welcome the competition.
So don't forget, see me "Live & Shirtless" (kind of like looking at a car wreck on the side of the road, everybody slows down to look out of morbid curiosity) on 7/20/08, and come out to Stockton for the Chili Cook-Off Contest on 8/3/08. Help bring the total raised for this charity event to $500 so I'll post my chili recipe right here on the blog.
Nutrisystem: Day 2
I'm doing this for myself, the Nutrisystem that is. I'm doing it to be healthier. I'm doing it to look better in a swimsuit (an unforgiving Speedo) on my next Atlantis Events cruise in October. I'm doing it so Joe Gage or Jake Deckard will ask me (not that I would ever do it, but it would be flattering to be asked{and who knows, maybe I would do it}) to be in their next XXX rated video production. That is why I'm doing it.
I just heard something interesting on the radio by the way. With the election still 4 months away, a recent poll show 51% are opposed to the constitutional amendment that would ban same gender marriage, 42% are in favor of such an amendment, and only 7% remain undecided. We cannot let ourselves become complacent though, the margin between the two sides is uncomfortably narrow. Ask your friends and family, and ask them to ask their friends and family (ad nauseum) to vote against the amendment if for no other reason than I want to become Mr. Wesley Cruz-Foreman (blush), and if you're reading this Steve, I have a nice sized dowry.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
End Of Day 1
I'm not cheap though. I am frugal, and frugality is a most misunderstood virtue. A cheap person will buy the cheapest item and then buy it again and again when it breaks or wears out. My mother was cheap (may she rest in peace). She would think she was getting a deal spending $1,000 for a used car, then spend a small fortune every month fixing one thing or another that would break on the car to the point that if she took the money she spent in one year on the down payment, she could have bought a brand new car and had affordable payments. She was all about instant gratification though (and passed that trait onto my sister).
My biggest influence was my grandparents (may they rest in peace) and my great-grandmother (may she rest in peace). They all lived through the depression and understood if you spent $10 on something that would last a year or $1 on something that would last a month which the better deal was. I try to live by their lesson. It's not always easy, and I slip up from time to time, but I always try, and that is the important part.
Speaking of money, my investments have done very well the last few days. My biggest 4 biggest positions are currently Bristol Meyers (BMY), Pepsico (PEP), AT&T (T), and Unilever (UN). They all pay very good dividends and all provide goods and services people will need regardless of the economy. Now, I'm researching the possibility of building a position in Wells Fargo (WFC). It's dividend is currently at 6% but I don't know if I'm comfortable just now investing in a financial stock. I'll waite and see how things go, and continue to do my research into WFC. If/when it becomes a good investment, I'll keep you informed. In the meantime, what I don't have in my "Foreman's Fantastic Four" and my California municipal bond mutual fund I'm dividing half into a money market and half into short term (one month) T-bills. I chose the shortest term available so the money wouldn't be held up for to long if a movement occurs that I want to buy into (like another good IPO).
I need to go now, but I'll talk to you all later, and tomorrow morning (before breakfast) I plan on posting my starting weight for "Day 2". I wonder if I will have lost much by then.
Nutrisystem: Day 1
I'm starting out at a weight (I hate to say it out loud) 255.5 lbs with a body fat of 32%. I don't know how I got to this point. I used to weigh 160 lbs (don't know the body fat %). The extra poundage just sort of snuck up on me.
Anyway, I will soon be posting a "Before" picture of myself here on the blog, and then "Progress" pictures as I drop increments of 10 lbs until I reach my goal weight of 160 lbs again. Maybe I'll even have visible abs again. (sigh)
Aside from that, not much else has been going on. I hope you'll all be able to come out to the I.S.J.D.E. Chili Cook-Off Contest at Club Paradise, Sunday, August 3rd (8:00 PM), and our special "Theme Bingo" game August 7th (again at Club Paradise at 8:00 PM). At my suggestion, and the approval of the Imperial Court of Stockton, it will be a "Sex Toys and Porn" themed bingo game, so bring your money and bring your libidos.
We also have "Hot August Nights" coming up August 23rd at Club Paradise. To make it easier for you, hit the link http://www.yellowpages.com/info-LMS53984122/Paradise-Club/maps and enter your starting address. This will help you get from where you are to where you need to be at 8:00 PM, Saturday, August 23rd.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I Need Your Help
The books are based in the fictitious Duchy of Grand Fenwick, an English speaking micro-state of 15 square miles in the French-Swiss Alps. I could go into a very detailed explanation of the minutiae of the books and films, but that would be to much work, and I'm too lazy. So, I'll just post a YouTube link to some scenes from the two movies based on Mr. Wibberley's books, "The Mouse That Roared" and "The Mouse on the Moon". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7L7WLFBYR4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yqZzPV5V7k. I know the 'special effects' are a bit hokey, but remember, they were made in the early 1960s.
I've already sent an e-mail to CBS television (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yqZzPV5V7k) with my idea. I chose CBS mainly because they are the owners of the Logo network (http://www.logoonline.com/), and since I watch a lot of Logo, I thought I'd give CBS the first shot at my idea.
Not much else happening right now. I'm getting some more of my apartment set up, and I'm planning to go out to Club Paradise for some more karaoke (I need the practice if I'm going to attract a man on my next gay cruise with Atlantis events {no link this time}). I'll see if I can post another video of myself singing.
That's all for now. If anything else comes up, I'll keep you informed.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Brief Hiatus
Not much to talk about at the moment anyway. I have decided to go to the Folsom Street Faire in September (my first time), and I may have to postpone my chili feed at Club Paradise as it conflicts to closely with the I.S.J.D.E's Chili Cook-Off Contest, but I still want to go through with that. I'll try and contact Chris Davis (the owner of the Paradise) and see if I can start it in August instead. I'll keep you informed.
I gotta run now. So many things to get packed up before the movers get here. I decided to hire movers rather than rent a U-Haul so as not to inconvenience my friends. Besides, if all of them actually did have to wash their hair that day, the California water shortage might reach a critical stage. My friend Greg is helping me though (he actually volunteered).
Later everybody, but before I go, let me tell you a little story. Before I started posting this blog, I would send out e-mails to my friends whenever a thought I wanted to share occurred to me. Now I do the same thing on my blog.
Earlier today, I happened to overhear part of a conversation between two of my co-workers about one of our bosses. I didn't get all the details, and it's not important to my story anyway, but one of my co-workers remarked that the boss in question was acting incredibly insensitive. As soon as I heard that, I thought of the song by the same name, "Insensitive", by Jan Arden. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaSDEUITIfk.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Hot, Hot, HOT Day
I also learned that hot weather makes a lot of people crazy and stupid. AT&T's (T) stock fell 2.55% today, even though the new generation iPhone debuts this coming Friday, and is now trading near it's 52 week low. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I used the opportunity to scoop up some more shares, and my total position in "T" is currently 123 shares worth about $3,950.76. This stock pays a nice comfortable dividend of 4.9%. Try to find that in a bank. I plan on holding onto this stock for a while. Till it reaches $40.33/share. This will give me a "Keeping Profit" of $1,000.00. I can then sell the shares necessary to get out my principle which will then be invested in something else. I did it with McDonald's, I've done it with AT&T, and I think the next stock I'll do it with is Unilever. I'll talk about Unilever in more detail another day. It's just hot, and not in a good way, to go on. So, I'm going to bed.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
"Those Were The Days"
I've finally found my karaoke song. Something I can sing reasonably well enough to not be afraid of singing it for 2,000 people when I go on my next vacation cruise with Atlantis Events (http://www.atlantisevents.com/index.aspx). It's a song in my key and range and not one a lot of people know or remember (that way I won't have to worry about being compared to the other half dozen or so people that end up singing "Margarita Ville").
The Song? "Those Were The Days" by Mary Hopkin. My friend Greg wasn't able to video me singing it tonight (he's off on a trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL) so I can only share with you a YouTube video of Ms. Hopkin singing it, but next time . . .
Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNVit7cesj8
Another Bout of Insomnia
I don't know what could be causing it. I'm not feeling depressed (well, no more than usual {smile}), I haven't had any Diet Pepsi or any other non-decaffeinated drink, and I'm as tired as hell. So, why can't I get back to sleep?
I suppose I could talk about an upcoming semi-court function I'm putting together for the 3rd Sunday in July, 7/20/08. I've spoken with Chris Davis, the owner of Club Paradise, who has given me permission to host a "Chili Feed" during the Sunday Beer Bust. I'll be making a large batch of my PRIZE WINNING chili and some jalapeno cheese cornbread muffins and selling it for $5.00/bowl + 1 muffin. I'll also be showing a movie, and I'm open to suggestions as to which one to show. I'm leaning toward either "Little Nicky" or "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry". If this works out, I'm hoping it'll become a regular thing. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Well, I seem to be getting sleepy again. I don't know if it was my "blog therapy", the warm milk, the Sominex, the brandy, the vodka, or the gin (just kidding about the last four), but I think I can get back to sleep now.
Talk to you all later.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sometimes You Have to Do It
Most of the things I've been throwing away were belongings of my grandmother, who passed away nearly two years ago. When I cleaned out her apartment at the retirement home, the nick-knacks and other mementos that I didn't give to Goodwill I boxed up and they've been sitting in a corner of my bedroom since.
I loved my grandmother deeply, but she was a pack-rat (Hey, I come by it honestly). It was hard going through these boxes, knowing as I did that most of the things I would be getting rid of and never seeing again. It was like I was getting rid of little bits of her, that I was losing her all over again.
I am reminded of a bit of (most likely) apocryphal history regarding Queen Victoria. When she was getting ready to marry Prince Albert (and I have some trivia about him, but that's for another time) she needed the advice of another woman regarding her upcoming 'duties' as a wife. She was not on speaking terms with her mother, the Duchess of Kent, at this time, so she turned to her governess, Baroness Lehzen. When the queen asked the baroness about what she would have to do when her soon to be husband came into her room that night, the baroness is said to have replied "Close your eyes, and think of England".
Sometimes, that's all you can do, and that is what I have been doing. I have been closing my eyes when I have come across something of my grandmother's while packing up my apartment. I haven't been thinking of England of course, I've been thinking of my grandmother. I know in my heart, she would not have wanted me to dwell as much in the past as I have been. She would have wanted me to move on and get rid of the things she left behind that serve no practical purpose anymore. So far, I've taken out three garbage bags of stuff to the dumpster, but I have a lot more to go. I needed a break though.
By the way, if anyone needs some used (gently) luggage, let me know. Some of you have my phone number, some of you have my e-mail, and you are all free to post a request on the comments section. It's easy, just move the little arrow down to the bottom of this post and click the word "comments". It's just that easy.
Strawberry-Spinach Salad
Since it's summer, and it's been so incredibly hot lately, I thought something light and cool would be the perfect choice, so I'm posting a recipe I found in the "Test Kitchen Cook Book Favorites" my grandmother received from "Better Homes & Gardens" when she renewed he subscription one year.

I have even included a picture of what the salad should look like when you're done, but as ANYONE who has ever tried to follow a cookbook recipe knows, they very rarely ever look as good as they do in the book.
- 1 lb asparagus spears
- 1/3 cup bottled poppy seed salad dressing or Italian salad dressing
- 1 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel
- 1 tablespoon orange juice
- 8 cups baby spinach or torn fresh spinach
- 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries and/or whole blueberries
- 3/4 to 1 lb cooked turkey, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
- 1/4 cup pecan halves,toasted
- Snap off and discard woody bases from asparagus, and if desired, scrape off scales.
- Cut spears into 1-inch pieces and cook, covered, in a small amount of boiling, lightly salted water for 3 to 5 minutes or until "crisp-tender".
- Drain asparagus and rinse with cold water. Let stand in cold water until cool, then drain.
- In a small bowl, stir together poppy seed dressing (or the Italian), orange peel, and orange juice and set aside.
- In a salad bowl, combine asparagus, spinach, berries, and turkey. Place on salad plates.
- Top with pecans and drizzle with dressing.
Makes 4 to 6 servings
This was always a favorite dish of my grandfather. He loved asparagus and whenever he would go for one of his long walks, he would always take a bucket to hold all the pecans he would find from all the wild trees growing near their house.
I hope you enjoy this dish as much as we all did.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Feeling A Little Shitty
It began, sometime last night. At first I thought it was just something I had eaten earlier that evening. I was woken up by and made my mad dash to the bathroom by the need to empty the contents of my stomach into the alter of the God Ralf.
Now, I feel chilled to the bone. My joints ache and it's hard to move. A doctor I know calls this "Stomach Flu Arthritis".
My stomach is roiling. I feel nauseous and the thought of food makes me feel even more ill. But I must make sure to keep some small amount of food in my belly encase I do have to throw-up. To do so on an empty stomach is not pleasant. My mother called it "the dry heaves". Not a nice experience.
I am not fit to be seen.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Historic Figures
I have held an idea, a theory related to my belief in reincarnation, that we can get an idea of when we may have lived in previous lives by looking at our most favorite, and most hated, periods in history. I believe that these are times in which we lived and have happy memories, or when we had fairly miserable past lives. It all depends on the circumstances.
Now, my most favorite period of history is 16th century Elizabethan England. I have no logical explanation. They lived brutal (by our modern standards) lives, they had no antibiotics, bathed only once or twice a year (if that often), most lived in abject poverty and dejection, but still it is my favorite period. Now, I'm not saying I was Queen Elizabeth I or anyone famous like that (after all, I'm not Madonna or Tina Turner who both claim to be the reincarnation of the same Egyptian Queen). For all I know, I was the spit-boy (who's job was to turn the meat roasting on a spit over the fire) working in a disreputable inn, but you never know. I have a great admiration of the achievements of not only The Queen, but the common people as well.
Speaking of Queen Elizabeth, I've always felt it was a little sad that she was unable to marry and have children to carry on the Tudor Dynasty. I am convinced she would have married if she could have, but whom could she marry? The English would not accept a foreign born prince as their king. To chose an Englishman would be to risk creating factions and fomenting civil wars. No, for peace and safety, she had to remain unmarried and childless.
Though I make no claim whatsoever that I am the reincarnation of Elizabeth Tudor, I identify the most with that 16th century queen. Alone. Isolated. Looking at and seen by the world through a pane of glass. We see each other, the World and I, but we don't really interact or have much to do, one with the other. I have such a longing in me, a hunger, a desire, a need to break that glass down. To shatter the barrier. But I also have a fear and a terror of living my life without that barrier, the safety and protection that the barrier brings. I don't know what to do.
I did find this interesting tribute video on YouTube. The song is "Famous Last Words" by the group My Chemical Romance. The video is from the BBC/PBS production of "Elizabeth I". I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I look forward to hearing your comments.
Risks & Rewards
Facebook may be going public!
At the moment, it's just a rumor, but my reading and research lead me and others to suspect the site may decide to file with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) to go public and issue stock. If that happens, it could, quite possibly be the next Microsoft.
For now though I'm advising financial caution. Personally, I have about half of my investment portfolio in cash, and the rest divided into what I like to call "Wesley's Super Six". These are what some Wall Street professionals would call "defense stocks" of companies that do well in good times or bad. They are DuPont (chemicals and agriculture), Pepsi (major beverage company that also owns Frito-Lay), AT&T (telecommunications), Bristol-Myers (drugs and medication), Unilever (diversified household cleaning, personal hygiene, and food company), and McDonald's (fast food super-star). These are all companies that produce good/services I know, understand, and/or use on an almost daily basis, so I feel safe, in these troubled economic times, investing the money my grandmother left me in them. Also, they pay an average dividend of nearly 4.25%.
Rude People
Last night was the I.S.J.D.E.'s monthly bingo. We raised over $150 for the court to disperse to the various charities we help support, and I like to think everyone had a good time. Also, everyone seemed to love my "Wesley Toll House Cookies".
The only downside was one drunk, obnoxious, stupid, and rude individual. A woman I won't name, but only because I never saw her before last night, hopefully will never see her again, and don't know her name.
I had to keep going over to where she was sitting to explain the rules and games we were playing because in her words "I've never played bingo before.". For crying out loud, how do you go through life as long as she has and NOT played bingo before last night? For the love of all that's holy, I first began playing bingo when I was 5 years old (24 years ago, that's my story and I'm sticking to it) in kindergarten on rainy days, when we couldn't go outside to play.
Also, if that weren't bad enough, if I didn't explain to this person something to her satisfaction, she would grab my arm as I started to walk away and pull me back to explain further. That was the rude part. No one has the right, no matter who they are, to grab hold of another person without the other person's permission! Am I wrong? I would ask for your opinions and comments, but very few people ever post a comment on my blog, so I won't ask, and thus avoid the disappointment.
So, let me just reiterate, (feel free to say it along with me) "Stupid people piss me off!".
An interesting little side note here by the way. I have never spelled the word 'reiterate' before, though I have heard it used and understand what it means. I just finished checking my spelling before publishing my post, and that word was correctly spelled (the first time) without the use of spell check.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Arts, Crafts, and Other Stuff
Aside from the fact that it's being hosted by my friend and neighbor, Greg Ruiz, I'm also hoping my efforts to get more people to come to the bingo game will prove successful.
The prize I'll be donating is a very special gift basket, containing 4 of my special spice blends. Well, technically, they're not "my" spice blends, but I am making them myself from recipes provided by Martha Stewart (Hail Martha).
They are, in no particular order of preference;
- Chinese Five Spice
- Cajun
- Tex-Mexicali
- Spicy Chicken & Poultry
I'm also planning to bake a batch of my semi-famous "Wesley Toll House Cookies", which everyone loves.
If you're reading this, I hope it entices you to come down to Club Paradise, 10100 North Lower Sacramento Road, Stockton, California, on 7/3/08 at 8:00 PM for the charity bingo game. One card costs $4.00, 6 cards cost $20.00, after the halfway point, the cards cost $2.00 each, and for the blackout game, $1.00.
Not much else to talk about right now. So I'm gonna get the cookies made and go to bed. I have Friday, July 4th off, and I have to get all my stuff ready for my move on July 12th. Also, on July 20th, I'm going to be trying something new. I'll be cooking a big batch of my award winning chilli and some of my jalapeno cheese corn bread and selling it at beer bust at Club Paradise for $5/bowl to help the I.S.J.D.E. raise money for our charity donations. I hope I'll see you for beer bust as well. I'll be taking lots of pictures at both bingo and beer bust and adding them to my blog as soon as I can.
Till next time everybody, keep reading the greatest blog in the world, mine.