Monday, May 5, 2008

Stupid People Piss Me Off!

I'm an easy enough guy to get along with but stupid people piss me off. Case in point, one of my co-workers, PM, who is so dumb, I doubt she could alphabetize an "M & M".

We work for the State of California, in the accounting department of a regional branch office of the department of corrections, and one of the first things we were instructed on when we began working in our office was that like what "Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas", a check that's written in one month must be posted in that month. Well today, I discovered that PM had kept about 6 checks that it was my responsibility to enter into the states bookkeeping system on her desk since the 21st of April! She had 9 freaking days to get me the checks but left them in her in box! I think, what few brain cells she actually has had been preoccupied with preparing the Cinco De Mayo lunch we had at work today, and while it was good food, your (and my) tax dollars aren't going to pay for her to cater our lunches.

Onto a different subject, I was not able to sell short any of the Yahoo stock that I wanted to. I set a limit price, but the stock's value fell to quickly and I was unable to borrow any for the short sale. My Intrepid Potash stock is doing well and surged $3.74/share today, which means I have a paper profit of $1,636.33. McDonald's fell $.08/share today, but I'm still up $948.41 for my investment. I need MCD to go up just another $.53/share before I lock in my profits and keep $1,000 invested for the dividend.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll keep you informed, and look for a posting soon of a special recipe I'm dedicating to my friend, the Empress Lady Cranberry of Alameda.

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