Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hillary Vs. Obama

I thought of something after listening to the news on my car radio while driving home from work. The radio commentator was talking about Hillary's latest win in West Virginia, when one of guests made the comment that this victory gives her campaign new life. New life? I'm sorry, but all it does is prolong the process and increase the likelihood that McCain will win the presidency.

Hillary wins a state. Obama wins a state. Hillary. Obama. Hillary. Obama. Over and over, around and around. The whole thing puts me in mind of the tag line from the movie "Alien Vs. Predator", 'Whoever wins, we lose.'. I don't mean that I think either would be a bad president, I mean this indecisiveness within the democratic party will make a republican victory all the more likely.

What do I mean by that? Well, I have seen and heard interviews from both Hillary and Obama supporters who have said, that if their candidate doesn't win, they will either vote for McCain, or not vote at all! Come on people! Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Damn!

If we want to take back our country from the civil liberty crushing, anti-gay, wave the flag in your face, God is on our side republicans, we cannot let ourselves become so petty and spiteful.

Vote for Hillary Clinton, or vote for Barrak Obama, it's not for me or anyone else to tell you what to do with your power of the vote, but for God(dess) sake, remember, don't give the White House to McCain by either passively not voting, or aggressively giving him your vote.

By the way, for those of you who care or want to know, I voted for Barrak Obama in the California Primary. If he gets the nomination, great, if not I'm voting for Hillary Clinton. ANYONE but McCain!

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