Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Big Hair Ball

I just got back from "Mitzi's Big Hair Ball" in Chico, CA, and I could hardly wait to tell you all about what a good time I had.

Everyone was so beautifully elegant, and most were on their best behavior (ha ha). The event was hosted by Debbie Delicious, and you could tell she not only put in a lot of hard work herself making the event a success, she had a lot of help from the other members of Chico's court. That is something I love to see, all the members of a court, regardless of current or past position, working together to make a fun evening for not only themselves, but us out-of-towners as well, and their hard work paid off in the over $3,000 that was raised for charity.

I did really well last night with the raffle tickets I bought, and won some really nice prizes. My favorite prize was donated by candidate for Emperor of Reno, Daniel Surreal Foxx (and for the benefit of those of you who didn't get the pun, his name is a play on "Daniel's A Real Fox" {and he is a real fox}). The prize I won was a two day, one night stay, at the Peppermill Resort Spa & Casino ( of which Mr. Foxx is 'Hotel Shift Lead'. I think that's like a manager or something. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Reno's Coronation even more now and wish Mr. Foxx all the luck in the world, and if he gets elected, even more luck, cause he's gonna need it (again, ha ha).

The only bad news I have from my trip this weekend to Chico was that I forgot my camera here in Stockton. At first, I was worried I had thrown it out with some trash I got rid of before I went to pick up my friends Marc (a.k.a. Empress Kiki LaRoue) and Robert Manning (a.k.a. Ro'Flack Franklin), but when I got back, there it was, on my coffee table right next to the lint brush I also forgot to take. I am such a nitwit!

Till next time everybody.

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