Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm Off To Fresno

I'm getting ready to leave for Fresno in another hour and a half. This weekend is FRESNO CORONATION! I'm driving down with Robert Manning (aka Ro'Flack Franklin). I have to make sure I have all my stuff packed and ready, including my camera.

This evening will be the end of reign 34 and the step-down of Empress Patsy Del-Rey. As a special step-down gift, I made a batch of my special "Wesley Toll House" cookies and put them in a really cute, cookie jar. I had a few cookies left over from the batch I made and will be giving them as a gift to Ro', who has said on numerous occasions how much he likes eating my cookies (no pun intended so get your minds out of the gutter).

Not much else to talk about right now. I did have the strangest dream last night though. It was one of my recurring theme dreams, but not one I've had for a good long while. The basic theme is, I met someone and we fell in love. What makes this dream strange was that everyone in it was a cartoon. I looked a little like Hank Hill (only with better hair and a butt), and the object of my affection looked like a dark haired, olive skinned version of Aqua Man. I wonder if the dream was prophetic, and I'll meet my special someone in Fresno? It may sound strange, and you may not believe me, but I've had dreams of prophecy before. But, that's a blog post for another day.

Don't worry, I'll keep you informed.

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