Monday, June 9, 2008

Of Wishes and First Steps

My grandparents used to both say, "Wesley, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride." and I have to admit now how right they really were.

As my weight began it's slow (and sometimes not so slow) steady climb from my best weight of 160 lbs (WAY back in 1994) to my most recent weight-in of 250 lbs (12 lbs lighter than my official weigh-in for the Weight-Off-A-Thon) I really didn't do that much to stop the progress, except eat more, exercise less, and wish that I could have a lean, muscular body like Brad Pitt.

Here is a question, "What is the MOST popular day to start a diet/exercise program?". For those of you who said Monday, sorry, but that is in fact the 2ND most popular day to start either of those. The most popular date to do these things is tomorrow.

Now I don't mean (since this is Monday) Tuesday. I mean tomorrow from whatever day you come to realize you need to start dieting and getting more exercise.

The hardest part is taking that first step. Like it says in chapter 64 of the Tao Te Ching of the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet." (Yes, by the way, this was paraphrased by JFK in his inaugural address back in 1960.)

Today was my first step. I managed my calories, drank a lot of water, and went to the gym after work. Now, if you measure each step as 12" (1 foot), and a mile is 5,720 feet, I just have 5,719,999 more steps to go. YIKES!!!!!

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