Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just a Rant

Since I've started this blog, I can count the number of people who have posted comments to what I've had to say on one hand, and have two fingers left over. Two different people named Greg and the mysterious "ihateise". Where is everyone else?!?!

Is it really that hard to click on the little "comments" tag at the bottom of each post and write what you think about what I think? Am I just so boring and my posts so dull as to be unworthy of comment? Are my recipes and poems to complicated, or to deep? Or, is EVERYONE to busy washing their hair?

This reminds me of an incident I experienced when I was living with my family in El Paso, Texas. I was delivering the newspapers on my route (Yes, I was a "paperboy") when my bike chain broke. Well, after pushing my bike along as I finished my rounds, I pushed it home and called my mother at work to tell her what had happened. Her advice was to take some of the money out of my mayo jar, go to the post exchange store (we lived on an army base) and get the repair kit. Well, the PX was very far away (about 5 miles), and while I would have had no problem biking, I really didn't want to walk all that way. So, I asked all of the other kids if I could borrow one of their bikes to make the trip. Guess what. They all gave me the same answer, "Sorry Wesley, my bike has a flat tire." All of them!

Now I am a trusting individual, and like to believe people are basically honest, but not 5 minutes later, I saw two of my "friends" riding their bikes through the neighborhood.

What does this have to do with hardly anyone posting a comment on my blog in response to what I've been writing? Nothing at all really. It was just a rant. But I felt the need to say it, because I find myself growing tired lately of always being there for everyone else when they need me, but hardly anyone is there for me when I need them. Do they all have flat tires?

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