Monday, April 28, 2008

That's Why I Wear Glasses

I am sometimes asked why I wear glasses instead of getting contact lenses or having the laser surgery, and it is a question I am now going to answer.

I WON'T get the laser surgery because it is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. What does that mean? It means that the benefits of laser surgery don't last. The eyes start getting worse again, and in just a few years, you'll need to get the process done all over again. Also, I have heard one to many horror stories of mistakes being made and people who get the surgery going blind or having nerve damage. It's not worth it!

I also won't get contact lenses because I just can't be bothered with all the maintenance and upkeep. Cleaning the lenses, putting them in, taking them out, drops to keep the eyes moist, forget it. I have better things to do with my time, thank you very much.

Another reason I prefer glasses to the idea of surgery or lenses is one scene from a movie I saw years ago (late 70s I think) from France called "The Last Romantic Lover". Men were being reviewed for a contest and one was about to be rejected from even competing because he wore glasses, when the decision was overruled by the magazine's editor, who showed her staff just how intimate removing a man's glasses could be. I don't remember much else about the movie, but I do remember that scene.

Lastly, I won't give up my glasses because they give me special powers. They not only let me see with normal 20/20 vision, they let me see into the minds of men and judge their sincerity. They let me see if the man can see beyond surfaces into the person I am inside, or if they are so full of sh*t, the surface is all they see. If a man doesn't see me as worthy of notice because I wear glasses, I don't see him as worthy of notice because he is an asshole.

So, that is why I wear glasses.

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