Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Will It Pass or Be Defeated?

I just got back from voting, and the only two items on the ballot I can remember how I voted on are Obama for POTUS, and NO on Proposition 8.

I'm pretty confident that Obama will win, but Prop 8 is just to close to call. I'm hoping it will be defeated though.

Not much else to talk about at the moment, except I hope you'll vote in the poll I'm taking to see if my readers prefer "Star Trek" or "Star Wars" more. Please, vote.

Addendum-It's about 9:15 PM, election night. As I sit here typing this, the hated proposition 8 is winning by a ratio of 55% to 45%, with about 9% of all precincts reporting. I would love to sit up all night to wait for the final results, but I've go to go to bed. Please God(des), if you hear the prayers of gays and lesbians, don't let proposition 8 pass. Please, let me wake up tomorrow to learn that "No On 8" won, and that love defeated proposition hate.

Supplemental Entry-It is now 5:30 AM, 11/5/08, and still no definite word, one way or another on the outcome of proposition hate. I'm still hoping of course that the "No On 8" side wins, but I hate being left hanging like this!

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