Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Not Over Yet

Well, so far the supporters of "Proposition Hate" have won, and people like me who would like to get married one day, and all the other thousands of gays and lesbians who have already gotten married, are once again show by our so called "superiors" have show us what they think of us.

I've been hearing of court challenges being prepared to deal with the fact that the proposition should not have been allowed on the ballot after being thrown out by the state supreme court. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'd like to stay in the USA, and more specifically, California, but if I have to, I'll move to Canada or the United Kingdom, since these countries allow gay marriage, and I speak the language.

I have a plan for what we can do in the event that "Proposition Hate" actually does become a part of the constitution, but I'm still working on the details. When I have it all ready, I'll send out an "Extra! Extra!" for everyone.

1 comment:

TokayTiques said...

No minority has ever gained their rights from a vote of the people. It has always been the courts or the legislature.

I feel confident that the state Supreme Court will find it unconstitutional to use the ballot initiative process to take away the rights of a minority.

San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom expresses it very eloquently in this video:
