Monday, September 15, 2008

We Must Fight Back

Now, I'm not much for fighting. By nature and inclination I am a pacifist when it comes to conflict, and my study of Taoism and in particular the Tao Te Ching have given me some excellent tools when it comes to dealing with those who wish me ill and would do me harm, and I'm not about to change now.

This November, California voters will have the chance to show our state is not stuck in the 1950s. Proposition 8 is an attempt to amend the constitution of California that reads "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.

The proponents state that they are fighting to defend the sanctity of marriage. I say they're trying to hold onto it as a "Straights Only" club (not unlike the "Humans Only" club mentioned in "Star Trek; The Undiscovered Country"). Religious (Judea-Christian) leaders point to Biblical Scripture, "Man shall not lie with man as with woman, it is an abomination before The Lord" (notice how our Lesbian sisters are not mentioned). Well, the next time one of them quotes this passage, ask them, with all seriousness, if they believe the Bible is the Word of God, and should be interpreted and obeyed as such. After they say yes (and if you phrase it like I did here, they will), ask them if they have any clothes that are not 100% of any particular thread (eg cotton-poly blend, wool-acrylic, etc., etc.) because it says right their in the Bible "thou shalt not wear fabric woven of two different threads, it is an abomination before The Lord" (or anyone with a sense of fashion). It's the same if they have ever eaten pork products or shellfish, a damnable abomination before The Lord". Remind them they cannot pick and choose what holy scripture they will enforce and what they will ignore, and the Highway to Hell is paved with bacon.

Where am I going with this? I mentioned earlier by Taoist beliefs and practices. I have often been heard saying "A single drop of rain won't get anything wet, but a million drops of rain will make a flood". That is what we have to do, all of us little drops of rain, come together in a flood of voters and "Vote NO on Prop. 8". Every vote will count on this come election day, and I don't care if I have to low-crawl naked over shards of broken glass and rusty razor blades, I am voting NO on proposition 8. My vote, or your vote, just might be the last drop of rain needed to burst down the damn of ignorance, sweep away the landscape of hate, and bring "Liberty and Justice for All."

In the meantime, let's here what Margaret Cho has to say on the subject of Gay Marriage.


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