Let me tell you a little story;
Once upon a time, a nice guy named Wesley (his real name) found himself attracted to, and wanted to spend some time with another man named Troy (not his real name). Wesley couldn't believe his good fortune when he got a phone call from Troy, asking him out. This had never happened in Wesley's life before, and he was overjoyed.
So, on the evening of the date, Wesley drove all the way to the far away land of Sacramento to be with Troy. They had dinner, they watched a movie, they talked and snuggled and Wesley ended up spending the night.
A week or so goes by and Wesley called Troy to ask him out on another date. Brent makes the arduous journey from Sacramento to Stockton and they have dinner, they watch a movie, they talk and they snuggle, but this time they don't spend the night together as Troy has an early appointment the next day, so after awhile, he goes back home to Sacramento.
Another week goes by and Wesley hasn't heard anything from Troy. Going against the "protocols" of gay dating, he calls Troy first this time and asks him if they could get together for a drink or something that coming weekend (it was Sunday when Wesley made the call). Troy hemmed and hawed for a moment before saying "I really don't like making plans that far in advance". So, three days later, Wesley calls again, and again asks if Troy would like to get together for a drink or something that weekend, and again Troy says "I don't like making plans that far in advance". So, on Friday, Wesley calls a third time and asks Troy for a third time if he would like to go out, but this time Troy says, "I'm sorry. I've already made plans for the weekend."
The moral of the story? If they tell you "They don't like making plans that far in advance", what they are really saying is "I don't want to make plans with
YOU that far in advance in case something or someone better comes along". For God's sweet sake Troy, be a man. Have the balls to say "I don't want to go out with you anymore". Yes, it will hurt, but the pain will be over a lot more quickly than if you leave a person hanging like you left me.
This was based on a true story. Some of the names have NOT been changed in order to show how foolish and pathetic I was (and will NEVER be again) and what an asshole Troy was, and probably still is and always will be.
I'm sorry if this isn't what you're used to reading on my blog, and I hope it won't drive you away from reading future posts. But I've been carrying around the pain from this incident for a long time, and this was my way of letting it go.
Hey, it's cheaper than going to a therapist, and way, way, WAY cheaper than the gas used driving to a therapist.
That's all for now. If I think of anything else to post today, I'll log back on and post it. I like keeping you informed.
By the way, we raised $58.00 at this last Thursday's I.S.J.D.E.'s monthly BINGO. Being the generous sort I am, I will be giving the court an extra $42 to bring our total to $100.