Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Just Had the Strangest Dream (2)

It was so weird. In the dream, somehow, I came into possession of $1million, and managed to spend it all in a single day!

I have no idea what a dream like that could mean as I'm normally very careful with my money. Careful hell! Any of my friends will tell you I can pinch a penny till Lincoln screams for mercy, and the last time I took out a $1, Washington blinked from the light.

I repeat though, I am not cheap! I am frugal. The $1 I save today, I can use for my next cruise with Atlantis Events (http://www.atlantisevents.com/index.aspx) tomorrow.

That really all I have to talk about for the moment. My alarm just went off letting me know that my clothes should be done in the dryer now, and if you've read my post "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things", you'll know how much I enjoy clothes fresh out of the dryer.

Don't forget, by the way, but this coming Thursday, 8/7/08, is the I.S.J.D.E.'s monthly charity bingo game. This month, at my suggestion, the theme is "Sex Toys & Porn". I'm hoping it brings in a lot of players. The court is really struggling this year.

If I think of anything else to write about, if some random thought, or anything interesting happens, don't worry, I'll keep you informed.

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