Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sorry, It's a Deal Breaker

Let me begin by saying, I met an Angel last night. His name is Raphael, and I think he is GORGEOUS. The only problem is, he is a smoker, and sorry, but that's a deal breaker.

While I am a non-smoker, I am not a militant one, and will not deny any person the right to smoke if they choose to. I even owned about 100 shares of Phillip Morris (MO) for a good long time, until they spun-off their Kraft Foods (KFT) division. After that I sold what shares I had left of MO and bought more KFT. So no, I have no moral objection to a person's right to smoke if they choose. I just don't myself, and will not date anyone who does.

It's a quirk of mine. I won't kiss a guy if I don't like the taste of his spit, and I've kissed a smoker once before, and did not care for the experience. So, no more smokers. It's a deal breaker Raphael. I really did find you interesting, and VERY good looking, but I cannot bring myself to kiss (or anything else with) a smoker. Sorry.

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