Let me begin by saying I had an absolutely
FANTABULOUS time last night at Modesto's Ducal Ball "A Miracle on 34th Street". Everyone was so elegant, and the food was delicious and a good variety as well. People from as far away at Austin, Texas came to salute Ryan Hernandez and Kiki Peru St. James.
I was also able to talk with recently elected Royal Grand Duke Jimmy Alvarado and Royal Grand Duchess So'Horny Beaver of Alameda about my dinner invitation. They informed me that due to a recent move to a new apartment in Oakland, they would not be able to make it. I told them how I understood completely. Having recently moved to a new apartment I know how much stress that can put on a person and how just about everything has to be put on hold till the move is finished. In fact, a co-worker of mine is still unpacking boxes from a move into her new house after
two years. Yikes!!!
Here are some of the pictures I took of that enchanting evening. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

Here is a nice picture of So'Horny and Jimmy. Have you ever seen a more elegant couple? I know they are a royal grand ducal couple, but every time I see them I think "Spanish Count and Countess". The regal baring, the graceful way they hold themselves, and their generosity speaks to me of true nobility.

This is a picture I took of Sondra St. James. I took it from a different angle than I normally do to show the regal haughtiness and true imperial style. This costume and her make-up made me think of the Snow Queen from the story of the same name by Hans Christian Anderson.

This group of smiling people live in my old apartment complex. They guy on the far right is my friend and fellow I.S.J.D.E. court member Greg Ruiz, Imperial Court Planetologist. I chose that title myself, since ours is the court of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and Greg's degree is in environmental sciences.

This is an unposed picture of San Jose Empress Miss Deliciously Kun-Tay. She is best know for having the largest wigs. Whenever I see her in fact I always say "Hello Kun-Tay, Kun-Tay's Wig." We even gave her wig it's very own title for this year reign of the I.S.J.D.E., Imperial Hairpiece of the 35th Reign.
Here are some more pictures I took that evening, presented without commentary. Enjoy;
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