Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Haiku About Silence

It has been said that one person's Heaven is another person's Hell. Some time ago, I wrote my first Haiku poem about silence and I felt the need to write another one now.

I hear the silence.
Pressing in all around me,
I seek an escape.

The Heaven/Hell analogy becomes more obvious to me every day recently. The silence is pressing in on me from all sides. I need sound, but not just noise. I need someone to talk to who wants to hear what I have to say, and who has something they have to talk about with me.

Where I once sought escape from the false (and somewhat toxic) "friends" I had in previous times (and I don't care how bad it gets, I'm not going back to that group), now I seek companionship of a different sort.

Please don't think of me as some sort of pathetic loser, though I sometimes think I am. Maybe that's why I come on to strong sometimes. The silence of loneliness is deafening me. Grinding me down and wearing my spirit away like a river carving out a canyon. It makes me afraid, and clingy, and sometimes an easy mark for the unscrupulous to take advantage of.

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