Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Don't Know What to Write About!

But I feel like I need to write about something. I'm not sure if I'm in a mood or not just now, but I'm feeling a little melancholy at the moment.

Maybe it's just the down slope after such a great day yesterday. You see, yesterday, I, my roommate Greg, and his friend Mike all went to one of my favorite places in the world, Monterey, California, and more specifically, the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They had a LOT of new displays and exhibits, including one about seahorses.

After we were done for the day at the aquarium (we stayed till 6:00 PM), we went to pick-up some friends who lived in (I think it was) Pacific Grove and all went out to dinner together at this really cute restaurant. I had the squash ravioli (and it was yummy).

Or, maybe it's the down slope from after meeting a really nice guy at Barnes & Noble for an actual coffee date. He's really smart, and just so sexy/cute/hot. It was all I could do to not kiss his beautiful lips and just content myself with conversation and looking into his warm, friendly, beautiful eyes.

I don't know whats wrong with me. I'm just feeling blue and I thought writing about it would help me cheer up and not be depressed.

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