Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ooops, I Did it Again!

I tell myself, every time, "I will not come on to strong. I will not make myself look like a stalker.", and I just can't seem to keep that promise to myself. I keep making myself seem kind of clingy, like the symbolism in the Walter Egan song, Magnet and Steel. Hopefully, he won't be scared off, and will still welcome my attention. I just have to wait and let him make the next move (and anyone who know me, knows that while I have incredible patience when necessary, sometimes, I try to open my Christmas presents early).

In other news, some asshole keeps trying to outbid me on EBay for a Canon Power Shot A460 digital camera. This is the same model I already have, but go ruined on my last Atlantis vacation to the Mexican Riviera. It's a great camera, and I really hope I win the bidding wars for this one.

Not much else to talk about at the moment. The chest cold I picked up in during my cruise is getting better, and I got my computer back from the repair shop yesterday.

Now, I just have to be patient, and wait for him to invite me to come and listen to The Hum.

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