The pictures were taken during the three bingo games held during the cruise, and every time the bingo callers would make a "mistake" or have a bingo "accident", Juan would have to take off an article of clothing. It made me wonder if we could get away with something similar at the Stockton I.S.J.D.E. bingo game we hold the first Thursday of the month at Club Paradise. I wonder if we could get Tim the Bartender to be our stripper. I'd do it, but I would want to lose about 80 or 90 lbs first.
Anyway, enjoy, and Juan, if you're reading this, I think you're a great guy and a terrific sport. Good luck in your future endeavors in London, England with your partner and your future career.

CORRECTION: The cruise was not on "Radiance of the Sea." It was on "Serenade of the Sea."
CORRECTION: The cruise was not on "Radiance of the Sea." It was on "Serenade of the Sea."
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