Thursday, October 2, 2008

Could I Be Psychic???

On Monday I got a horrendous ass-chewing from my boss because it was thought a $10.00 imbalance in an account in my office was my fault. I still get chills up and down my spine when I remember the look on my bosses face and the words he said to me.

Well, last night (or should I say this morning) after I went to bed, I had a dream that the senior accounting technician in my section found the $10.00 we had been looking for, and for some reason it was found in her purse. It was a very strange dream since it wasn't an actual $10.00, but an account imbalance.

Well, today, about an hour after we all started working this morning, looking for "MY" mistake, she realized it wasn't my fault at all! The missing $10.00 wasn't missing at all, she only thought it was because SHE had entered the wrong number in the computer spreadsheet, from an account SHE is personally responsible for. So, in a sense, my dream came true. She did find the $10.00, and while it wasn't in her purse, it was in something she has jurisdiction over. How freaky is that?

By the way, for those who were wondering, she did apologize to me, in a sense. Her exact words were, "I'm sorry, but you have made mistakes like this before." How gracious of her to point out a past error of mine to excuse an error of hers that could have gotten me fired.

Our boss, by the, way hasn't said jack-diddly about the whole entire affair, but he did have enough sense of shame for the way he spoke to me to not be able to look me in the eye when he had to talk to me, and an embarrassed flush turned his normally fair complexion positively pink whenever I caught him looking at me. I don't know what it is exactly, but for some reason fate always seems to feed the people who treat me unjustly a large amount of crow before to long.

I would tell some of the people who are treating me badly outside of work to learn from this, but they wouldn't listen anyway. No one ever listens to the words of the prophet till it's to late and learn that nothing is more expensive than regret.

Speaking of prophets by the way, the dream I mentioned that came true (in a sense) wasn't the first time it has happened. It happens quite a bit, though I don't realize the significance of the dream till later. I've decided therefore to try harder to remember my dreams in the morning, and maybe post them here on my blog. Maybe one of you will make the connection for one of my dreams.


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