Friday, August 13, 2010

I Just Had the Most Amazing Dream

I remember most of my dreams, but don't find most of them blog worthy, but when I do, I do my damnedest to post them here on my blog.

One of the reasons I do this is because of the old-wives tales that says if you want the dream to come true, talk about it before you eat your breakfast. So, since it was such a wonderful dream, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

In the first part of my dream, I'm living in a new city with very tall buildings, possibly San Francisco, although I'm not sure.

I'm living in a nice house that belongs to me, and someone comes over to visit. He brings a
take-out box from some restaurant that we apparently met at, and when I open it, it's full of things like deep fried mushrooms and asparagus spears. This really cute guy starts to set up a very romantic scene; first he unrolls some sort of mat on the floor in front of a fireplace, he then covers the mat with a sand colored blanket over the mat before walking over to the stereo to put in a CD that begins to play "mood music". While he's doing this, I take out one of the asparagus spears and hold it in my mouth. He gets the hint, walks over and we proceed to eat the spear, sorta like that scene from the Disney classic "The Lady and The Tramp".

We get into some serious making-out, but then wouldn't you know it, I go and wake-up.

To quote a line from the last play I was in "God damn it all to Hell"!

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