Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last Night I had the Strangest Dream

In the dream, I learned that a flood was coming and I had no time to escape the path of destruction. I didn't even have time to write a farewell epitaph. All I could do was try to secure myself to a stone table (I have no idea why the table was stone) and pray for the best.

I could see the water getting closer and closer, and hear the roar of it's waves getting louder and louder and time seemed to go into slow motion.

Finally, the rushing water of the flood was right upon me, so I put my head down and held on tight, but then the strange part happened. Nothing happened. For some reason, the water and all it's flotsam and jetsam passed over me and didn't so much as scratch me.

After the water stopped rushing, I thought at first that I would have to dig myself out of the mud and other debris, but with the exception of plodding though the mud which came up to my mid shins, the mud wasn't that deep.

I wish I knew what the dream meant, if it had any meaning at all.

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