Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm Sorry, but Not Sorry

Today was a cardio day at the gym, and I had a great workout for the most part. My only problem is that I don't know why some people even bother going to they gym if they insist on maintaining certain unhealthy habits, and then take offense because I took offense.

I was on the treadmill, going strong at 3.9 MPH with a goal of going for a full 60 minutes. I had been on for about 20 minutes and everything was going fine when this one gentleman got on to the treadmill next to mine.

Ordinarily, that would not have been a problem, but I could tell within less than a minute that the guy was a very (and I do mean VERY) heavy smoker. The man reeked of smoke, and I found the odor offensive. I have nothing against people who smoke, as long as they don't do it around me, but this guy stank of it so much, he might as well have been a giant pile of tobacco ash.

If I had just started on the treadmill, I could have gone to another, but I had already been going on the one I was on for about 20 minutes by that point, and I don't like breaking my stride when I've been going for that long. So, I took my little towel and held it over my nose, to block out the smell.

This apparently offended the guy, because he made a big to do about stopping his machine and stomping off to another one further away from me.

Part of me wanted to apologize for giving such offense that he felt the need to throw a temper tantrum, but . . . I wasn't sorry.

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