Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thank You Greg

March was a crazy month for me. Lots of stuff happening to get ready for the upcoming Stockton Imperial Coronation, and lots of crap to put up with at work (pay cuts and possible lay-offs!), but I did have one bright spot today, and I wanted to share it with the world and give thanks to my roommate, Greg.

When I learned I would have to take a 10% pay cut at work (thank you John Briggs Ala "Prop 13" and Herr Govenator) I had to think of as many ways as I could to economize and cut my expenses (see I Am So Frightened), and one of those ways was to get a roommate. It wasn't easy at first, after all I've never lived with anyone I wasn't related to before, but it got better day by day, and today was the best proof my personal austerity measures are paying off.

I not only paid all my bills without having to dip into the money my grandmother left me, I was actually able to DEPOSIT some money INTO my account at Charles Schwab, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without my roommate and friend Greg.

Thank you, Greg. You're a good friend.

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