Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Just Had the Strangest Dream (3)

This dream I just had really is strange, and I hope it's not one of my precognitive dreams because it wasn't very pleasant.

In the dream, I was a character in the Canadian sitcom "Little Mosque On the Prairie", and it is discovered that a neighbor killed their partner with a geode used as a blunt instrument.

As best as I can remember from the dream, I and some other neighbors were curious because none could recall seeing either of the missing neighbors for some time. We all talk about breaking into the home when the character Rayyan (in the dream, my sister) says that as a doctor, she can get permission to enter the house because of "medical concerns" (she actual does the quotation mark thing with her fingers).

We, myself and my "sister" Rayyan, enter the house with a few of the other characters, and discover the place is a mess. Mess hell, it's a pigsty, with filth, dust and cobwebs covering nearly everything.

We are just about to leave when I go to get Rayyan who is looking at something on the dresser-drawers in one of the bedrooms that turns out to be a geode. I ask her what the bid deal is as I used to have dozens of those (in real life I did use to have one, but my real life sister{the bitch} stole it to give to a friend of hers).

I cannot understand why she has one of those stunned looks on her face when I notice some hair stuck in some of the geode's cracks, and what I think looks like blood. Everybody leaves the house to call the police, who along with Rayyan (she's also the town medical examiner) begin a thorough search of the entire property.

I all but break down emotionally over the whole deal and turn to my "father" Yasir who gives me a hug as I start crying my eyes out.

It was at that point I woke up.

Like I said, it was a strange dream.

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