Monday, January 19, 2009

Alameda's "SantaMeda"

I normally don't like going to out of town court functions on Sundays, mainly because I have to get up early for work on Mondays, but since today is a holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., I was able to make an exception and do what I could to help the people of Alameda make the I.S.E. event as much fun and as successful as it was.

Here are a few of the pictures I took. I had more, but at the request (re. threat of violence) of the people they were taken of, I have deleted them as they did not show the subjects at their best.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following fantabulous people who have all accepted my invitation to be attendants on the dais at Stockton's upcomming imperial coronation, April 10th, 11th, and 12th;

Christian Dior, Carlos Medal, Fred Townson, Athena, and Seneca St. James. Seneca in fact has also agreed to be one of my command performers. You all ROCK!!!!!

Next weekend I'm going to Chico, California for their imperial coronation. It's going to be a blast and I plan on taking lots of pictures.

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