Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Confession of Weight

I know it's only been two weeks since I started my Nutrisystem diet program, and only two weeks since I started getting back to the gym (24 Hour Fitness) on a regular basis again, and YES (to all the put down artists who love raining on peoples parades), I know I still have a long way to go, but I've had some great progress in this last two weeks, and I wanted to share it with all of my readers.

In the two weeks I've been on my diet and exercise program, I've come down from 256.5 lbs to 248.0 lbs, and my body mass index (BMI) has gone down from 37.96 to 36.7.

That's a loss of 8.5 lbs and a reduction of my BMI of 1.26.

All this means, of course, is that I am still technically obese (I hate that word), but if I were to extrapolate (and I love that word) forward, using and average weight loss of 4.25 lbs per week, and a BMI loss of .63 per week, in 23 weeks I will weigh 160 lbs with a BMI of 23.47. This would put me in the normal weight range.

So, if I can keep up this pace, by my birthday I'm gonna be looking good.

I know delays will occur, I know I will reach temporary plateaus (at least the sensible part of my brain knows this), but I am determined to not think about that for now. I'll think about that tomorrow. After all, "Tomorrow is another day".

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