Friday, February 6, 2009

A Thought on Apathy

On March 14th, 1964, Catherine "Kitty" Genovese was murdered while walking home, late one night on the streets of the Kew Gardens section of Queens, New York, and of out of all of her neighbors who heard her screaming for help, no one did.

The circumstances of her murder and the supposed lack of reaction of the numerous neighbors were reported by a newspaper article published two weeks later; the common portrayal of these people being fully aware, but completely unresponsive has since been criticized as inaccurate.

Nonetheless, it prompted investigation into the social/psychological phenomenon that has become known as the "Bystander Effect" (Also known as: "Genovese syndrome") and especially the "Diffusion of Responsibility". As simply as I can put it, this means the thought prevalent in the minds of many people "Someone else will do something about this. I don't need to get involved. I don't need to do anything."

Why am I mentioning this when it's not the anniversary of Kitty's death (and no, I'm not related to this poor, unfortunate woman)? This is the first Friday of February. Guess!

I feel, sometimes, like I'm the only soldier fighting a war on apathy. I feel like I'm trying to push back a rising tide of indifference with my bare hands.

Well boys and girls, I'm losing the war and my hands are just about ready to fall off. I can do only so much and my strength in this matter is just about to give out.


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